Wonderful Japanese Nature

Japanese Insects, Birds, Plants.

Two Japanese Crows of city: Features and differences of them

Large-billed Crow

I see big crows in the city of Japan!

What birds are they?

I'll answer the above question.

I'm Kameda of Nature Engineer. I offer information of animals and plants with apps and blogs.

There are 2 of big black Crows in the city of Japan.

1. Large-billed Crow
2. Carrion Crow

However, many Japanese people have a bad image of them. Because these crows sometimes waste the garbage and intimidate people.

But they are brainy, cool and beauty, too.

So, I'll introduce their features and differences below.


Two Crows in the city of Japan

Large-billed Crow

Large-billed Crow

Order: Passeriformes
Family: Corvidae
Species: Large-billed Crow

Large-billed Crow (Corvus macrorhynchos) is common wild bird in Japan. They are called "ハシブトガラス (Hashibuto-Garasu)" in Japanese.

"ハシブト (Hashibuto)" means large bill. Therefore, they have big and curved bill.

Also, they have some features below.

・ Forehead is rises.
・ The body color is bluish-black.
・ Hop when came down to the ground.
・ Having clear voice.

Large-billed Crow originally lived in forest. But, they adapted to the city recently. So, we frequently see them in the city.

Carrion Crow

Carrion Crow

Order: Passeriformes
Family: Corvidae
Species: Carrion Crow

Carrion Crow (Corvus corone) is common wild bird in Japan. They are called "ハシボソガラス (Hashiboso-Garasu)" in Japanese.

"ハシボソ (Hashiboso)" means thin bill. Therefore, their bill is smaller than Large-billed Crow's bill.

Also, they have some features below.

・ Forehead is flat.
・ The body color is jet-black.
・ Walk when came down to the ground.
・ Having guttural voice.

Carrion Crow likes likes the open space. So, they lives in farmland. Therefore, we meet them at suburban and not city.

FYI, Carrion Crow is very brainy bird. For example, they sometimes drop walnuts in front of the car to break nut-shell. They are using artifacts!

Summary of the difference between Large-billed Crow and Carrion Crow

Large-billed Crow Carrion Crow

difference between Large-billed Crow and Carrion Crow

I have been to some other countries and enjoyed Bird-watching. (Taiwan, Malaysia, New Zealand, and so on)

I could meet small crows like "Taiwan Magpie" in Taiwan. But, I could not meet big crows.

Taiwan Magpie in Taiwan

Taiwan Magpie

But we can meet big crows easily in Japan. That's unusual environment all over the world.

Black crows are appeared on myth

Black crows are disliked from Japanese people now. But they appeared on a number of myths.

For exapmle, they appeared "風土記" that is Japanese myth. In that myth, the crow is called "八咫烏 (Yatagarasu)". Yatagarasu directed the emperor who got lost.

Crows also appear on a Chinese myth and so on.

In this way, they were also being respected from people until now.


We can meet 2 big black crows in city of Japan.

Many Japanese people have a bad image of them. But, they have interesting features and the histories of connection with people.

I'm happy if you will become interested in them.

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