Wonderful Japanese Nature

Japanese Insects, Birds, Plants.

What is Japanese insect different in?

カブトムシ (Japanese rhinoceros beetle)

What is Japanese insect different in?

I'll answer the above question.

I'm Kameda of Nature Engineer. I offer information of animals and plants with apps and blogs.

There are 30,000 species of insects in Japan. They also have interesting features because Japan has 4 seasons.

So, I'll introduce about Japanese Insects below.


Difference of Japanese insects

Japanese insects earned a big feature to survive in Japan.

It's a wintering ability.

Japan has 4 seasons - spring, summer, autumn, winter.

Many Japanese insects work except winter. Because it's too cold for winter, and they can't live.

But, insects of tropical region can work all year round. In fact, I saw many insects in winter when I went to Taiwan.

The following picture of butterfly is what I took on January.

butterfly in taiwan

Many Japanese insects work except winter

Many Japanese insects work except winter.

In spring

We can see many butterflies, lady beetle, and so on.



ナナホシテントウ (Seven-spot ladybird)

ナナホシテントウ (Seven-spot ladybird)

In summer

We can see rhinoceros beetles, cicadas, and so on.

カブトムシ (Japanese rhinoceros beetle)

カブトムシ (Japanese rhinoceros beetle)

アブラゼミ (Large Brown Cicada)

アブラゼミ Large Brown Cicada

In autumn

We can see locusts, shield bugs, and so on.

ショウリョウバッタ (Oriental longheaded locust)

ショウリョウバッタ (Oriental longheaded locust)



We can meet various insects in except winter!

Wintering form of Japanese insects

The form of Japanese Insects in winter is different by species.

For example, "キタテハ" is spend winter in the form of imago.



But, "ナミアゲハ" (Asian Swallowtail)" is spend winter in the form of pupa.

ナミアゲハ in summer

ナミアゲハ Asian Swallowtail imago

ナミアゲハ in winter

ナミアゲハ Asian Swallowtail pupa

In addition, the insects except imago spend at the place of the temperature change.

Therefore, they survive winter by various ways.


Japan has the 4 seasons. Therefore, there are many interesting Japanese insects.

Let's enjoy the observation of them together!

About Japanese Sparrows

Japanese Sparrows: Most familiar bird. Differences of them

About Japanese Crows

Two Crows of city: Feature and differences of them
